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梁 园,刘子藏,王湘君,等 成都理工大学油气藏地质及开发工程国家重点实验室 
      基于盆地结构分析,井-震结合确定沧东—南皮凹陷孔一上亚段残留盆地边界。应用边缘相法和平衡剖面法对孔一上亚段原型盆地边界进行了恢复。综合分析恢复结果表明,沧东—南皮凹陷孔一上亚段地层沉积时期受沧东、徐西断层控制,遭受强烈改造,为后期构造改造的盆地,盆地剥蚀面积大于500 km2,剥蚀率高于20%,且原型盆地与残留盆地的边界亦有较大差异。
关键词:沧东—南皮凹陷  孔一上亚段  残留盆地  原型盆地边界  渤海湾盆地
      Based on the basin-structure analysis and the combination with the well seismic data, the residual boundary of upper section of first member of Kongdian Formation in Cangdong-Nanpi Depression was recovered. Using marginal facies method and balanced section method, the authors recovered the prototype basin of upper subsection. By analyzing the recovered results, it was concluded that the upper subsection of first member of Kongdian Formation in Cangdong-Nanpi Depression was intensely remoulded and it was a reconstructed basin. The erosion area in the basin was larger than 500 km2 and the denudation rate was higher than 20%, moreover, the boundary of the residual basin differed from that of the prototype basin.
Keywords:Cangdong-Nanpi Depression  Upper section of first member of Kongdian Formation  Residual basin  Boundary of the prototype basin  Bohai Bay Basin
梁 园,刘子藏,王湘君,等.沧东—南皮凹陷孔一上亚段原型盆地边界恢复[J].地质学刊,2013,37(1):17-23