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季强,季燕南,王旭日,等 河北地质大学 
关键词:似海德堡人头颅化石  哈尔滨东江桥  中国黑龙江
      It is generally believed that Homo heidelbergensis is the common ancestor of modern people, Neanderthals and the mysterious ″Denisovans″. In 1933, twenty-five years after its discovery, a peasant in Harbin, Northeast China, was forced to work as a laborer by the Japanese army. When building the Dongjiang Bridge, he spotted a very strange head fossil. It was very strong with a particularly thick brow bone. Although he knew nothing about Homo heidelbergensis, he realized that this head fossil might be very precious. He did not hand it over to the Japanese, but sneaked it home, wrapped it and threw it into his own well and buried it with soil. In 2017, his grandson met Ji Qiang in Guilin and talked about the incident. Under the persuasion of Ji Qiang, the human skull fossil was donated to Hebei GEO University and permanently collected in its Earth Science Museum. It is very complete, with many morphological features very similar to Homo heidelbergensis found in Europe. At present, Ji Qiang is setting up a research team to conduct research on this rare ancient human skull fossil. Research results are expected to change our understanding of the development of human history.
Keywords:Homo heidelbergensis-like skull fossil  Dongjiang Bridge, Harbin  Heilongjiang, China