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赵德奎,蒋永鑫,何云花,等 安徽省地质矿产勘查局324地质队 
关键词:沉积建造  追踪断裂  高坦断裂  安徽南部
      The Gaotan fault zone is an important fault structure in southern Anhui Province, which was formed in the Early Paleozoic and was strongly active in the Indosinian Yanshanian period. Geophysical data suggest that this fault zone cuts through the lithosphere and reaches the upper mantle. As the dividing line of the secondary tectonic unit in Anhui Province, the Gaotan fault zone also controls the fold type, magmatic rock, mineral resources, etc. Along the fault zone, tectonic magmatic active zone is developed, with strong mineralization alteration, which is an important structure controlling the magmatic rocks and metallogenesis. Therefore, it is very important to study the tectonic evolution of Gaotan fault zone for the prospecting of regional endogenous metallic minerals
Keywords:sedimentary formation  tracing fault  deep Gaotan fault  southern Anhui