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陶泽丹,卢志君,王世臣,等 中国科学院海洋研究所 
      介绍了TOPAS PS18系统设备的基本组成、参量阵技术原理以及在深远海应用中的参数设置。另外选取西太平洋地区一水深超过1 000 m的穿越海山测线,通过对该测线海山山顶及边缘浅地层剖面的层位解释和分析,发现该火山顶部主要经历了T0、T1和T2共3期构造及沉积作用,在T2时期曾爆发过小规模的火山侵入活动。通过对该段资料的分析,展示了TOPAS PS18浅地层剖面仪在深远海的探测效果及浅地层层序结构,分析了研究区的沉积演化规律,为后期进行更深入的地质构造分析及矿产分布调查奠定了基础。
关键词:TOPAS  浅地层剖面仪  参量阵  深远海探测  西太平洋地区
      This paper introduces the basic composition, the principle of parametric array technology and the parameter setting of its application in far-off deep sea of TOPAS PS18 system equipment. In addition, a trans-seamount survey line with a water depth of more than 1 000 m in the West Pacific region is selected. Through the stratigraphic interpretation and analysis of the shallow stratigraphic sections on the peak and edge of the seamount, it is found that the top of the volcano mainly experienced 3 stages of T0, T1 and T2 tectonics and sedimentation, and at the same time, there were small-scale volcanic intrusive activities in the T2 period. The analysis of the data in this section not only shows the application effect and sequence structure of TOPAS PS18 sub-bottom profiler in the far-reaching deep sea, but also reveals the sedimentary evolution rule of this study area, which lays a solid foundation for further geological structure analysis and mineral distribution investigation in the later stage.
Keywords:TOPAS  sub-bottom profiler  parametric array  far-off deep sea exploration  West Pacific region