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包彩凤 河北地质大学 
      对产自河北围场下白垩统九佛堂组的65件鲎虫化石标本进行研究。根据其形态特征,认为这些鲎虫化石属于三角围场鲎虫(Weichangiops triangularisYang et Hong, 1980)。有观点认为,具有上肛板的鲎虫为冷水型鲎虫,而不具上肛板的鲎虫为暖水型鲎虫。河北围场采集的鲎虫化石有的具上肛板,有的不具上肛板,目前没有任何证据表明其为冷水型鲎虫与暖水型鲎虫混生的产物。通过研究,对三角围场鲎虫的特征进行了适当修正,认为围场地区的鲎虫化石具1对复眼,因此依据单个复眼而建立的新亚科——围场鲎虫亚科(Weichangiopsinae)不成立,应予以摒弃。三角围场鲎虫存在明显的性双形现象,雄性个体尾部具有上肛板,雌性个体不具有上肛板,这对于鲎虫化石分类研究具有重要的科学价值,可避免在生物分类时发生同物异名现象。
关键词:甲壳类  鲎虫  早白垩世  九佛堂组  河北围场
      This paper restudied the 65 triopsid specimens from the Lower Cretaceous Jiufotang Formation in Weichang area, Hebei. According to their morphological characteristics, these fossil triopsids are assigned to Weichangiops triangularisYang et Hong, 1980. In the past, some scholars thought that some triopsids with supra-anal plate were cold-water ones living in cold regions of high latitude, but others without supra-anal plate were warm-water ones living in warm regions. It is noteworthy that some develop supra anal plate, and others develop no sura-nal plate in the specimens of Early Cretaceous Weichangiops triangularis from Weichang area, Hebei. In the past, this has been interpreted as a ′mixed existence′of warm-water type and cold-water type of triopsids in the geographic distribution. However, Weichangiops triangularishas been, up to now, only found in Weichang area of Hebei, which has never been seen in other regions. Its limited geographic distribution does not support the ′mixed existence′ view. This paper has made some amendments to the characteristics of Weichangiops triangularis. The WeichangiopsinaeYang et Hong, 1980 based on the single compound eye is not valid and should be discarded. In addition, there is an obvious sex dimorphism inWeichangiops triangularis. The male individual has a supra-anal plate between the 2 furca, and the female individual has no supra-anal plate. It is of great scientific value for the study of classification, in order to avoid synonyms in biological classification
Keywords:crustacean  triopsid  Early Cretaceous  Jiufotang Formation  Weichang area in Hebei