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基金项目:江苏省地质勘查专项资金“江淮生态经济区核心地带(淮安)地质调查”(苏财建[2018]96号) |
摘要: |
洪泽凹陷赵集次凹岩盐矿产资源丰富,勘探前景广阔,已有近30年盐矿开采历史。2019年2月21日,赵集次凹盐矿区西北部勘探孔TY1孔发生涌水,水头高、水量大、持续时间长。通过分析区域岩盐生产情况,并将TY1孔与盐矿区其他涌水井的涌水特征、涌水层位岩性进行综合对比,认为该勘探井涌水为较强的紊流运动,区域内盐矿开采产生的次生裂隙是该孔紊流性涌水的主要原因。为更好地保障淮安盐矿及盐穴资源的科学和高效利用,提出了区域盐矿统一规划、严格监管和科学开采的建议。 |
关键词:盐井涌水 次生裂隙 洪泽凹陷 赵集次凹 |
Abstract: |
There are abundant rock salt mine resources extracted for more than three decades in Zhaoji sub-sag of Hongze sag. On February 21, 2019, water inrush occurred in the TY1 exploration hole in the northwest of Zhaoji sub-sag, with high water head, large water volume and long duration. It is concluded that water surge has been caused by strong turbulent flow based on comprehensive analysis of water surge characteristics, water surge layer lithology, rock salt production in the mining area and comparison with features of other water surge wells. For the first time, it is suggested that the secondary crack initiated by salt mining in the region is an important cause of water surge with turbulent flow in this well. For protection and utilization of salt mines and salt cavern in Huai′an, the suggestions of unified planning, strict supervision and scientific exploitation of regional salt mine are put forward. |
Keywords:salt mine water inrush of salt well secondary crack Hongze sag Zhaoji sub-sag |
赵亚男,张平,朱培,等.洪泽凹陷赵集次凹某盐矿勘探井涌水原因与资源开发利用[J].地质学刊,2024,48(1):100-106 |