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詹雅婷,戎欣,朱叶飞,等 江苏省地质调查研究院自然资源江苏省卫星应用技术中心 
关键词:高分二号  空洞卷积UNet  残差连接  林地信息提取
      To improve the intelligence and efficiency of large-scale forest information extraction, a residual connected dilated convolutional UNet (RCD-UNet) network has been proposed. The residual connected dual convolutional module is organically combined with the traditional UNet network to improve model performance. An experiment on forest extraction in Nanjing has been conducted using high-resolution satellite remote sensing images of Gaofen-2 as the data source. The results indicate that the proposed method can enhance the model′s ability to perceive the context by introducing an atrous spatial pyramid pooling module. The overall accuracy of forest extraction is 9544%, and the Kappa coefficient is 82.48%, which meets the requirements for efficient and accurate extraction of forest resource spatial structure information, providing technical support for forest resource management and investigation.
Keywords:GF-2  dilated convolution UNet  residual connection  forest information extraction