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罗林,郑明英,王万金 贵州省地质矿产勘查开发局111地质大队 
关键词:地下水系统  补径排  岩溶  贵阳汪家大井
      Wangjia Dajing water source is a centralized source of karst groundwater supply in Guiyang City. The investigation of its basic geology,engineering geology and hydroenvironmental geology has been carried out in different degrees in this area, and the overall hydrogeological conditions in this area have been revealed to a certain extent, but the characteristics of karst groundwater system in this water source are still insufficient. The boundary conditions, main aquifers, groundwater drainage conditions, burial conditions, groundwater dynamics, water chemistry and other characteristics of the system are analyzed from the perspective of groundwater system based on the hydrogeological verification of the water source, and the previous data such as hydrogeological survey, drilling, physical exploration, pumping test, connectivity test, water quality monitoring. The results show that the groundwater system of Wangjia Dajing has a two layer structure in the vertical direction, which can be divided into the upper groundwater system and the lower groundwater system, and the two groundwater subsystems are relatively independent and have weak hydraulic connection.
Keywords:groundwater system  recharge, runoff, drainage  karst  Wangjia Dajing in Guiyang